Tots' Treats

When: Every Wednesday (St. Luke’s) & Every Thursday (St. Leonard’s) (Term Time)

Time: 9.30am-11.00am

Where: Wednesdays at St. Luke’s Church, Walmer Road, Seaford, BN25 3TH and Thursdays at St. Leonard’s Church, Church Street, Seaford, BN25 1HG

For: 0-4 year olds with parents/carers

Cost: £1 suggested donation per session

Join us each Wednesday and/or Thursday for Tot’s Treats for our dedicated baby area to help your little one grow, small toys, large toys, playdough, crafts, books, music, bubbles, stories and unlimited tea, coffee, juice and biscuits.


Help your wee one socialise in a supportive group with other toddlers. You’ll also be able to socialise with other parents and carers, as well as swap “tricks of the trade” with others!


We have several different stories that we read, usually with one week being a Christian based story and the next week being a story without a Christian based theme.


If you would like to come along with your child, feel free to pop into one of our sessions during term time or you can email/call Stefan Bracher, our Children, Youth and Family Worker for more information:


Telephone: 07506143476


We will also ask you to complete one of our online registration forms which can be found here:

Complete all of the require areas and hit the submit button (you’re looking for a green bar saying everything has been completed successfully).


If you have any old toys/equipment that you would like to find a new home for and you think would be suitable for our groups, we would love to have a look at them. Unfortunately, we cannot accept all donations, but we would very much appreciate your thoughts for toys/equipment. Contact Stefan Bracher using the details above.