Messy Church

When: First Saturday of the Month (Term Time)

Time: 9.30am-11.00am (doors open at 9.15am)

Where: St. Leonard’s Church, Church Street, Seaford, BN25 1HG

For: All families

Cost: Free (donations welcome)

Come and join us for a session of getting crafty and learning a little bit about Christianity. This informal service is aimed at families with primary school aged children, however anyone is welcome to attend.

Usually there are 4 different crafts, all relating to the message of that service. We’ll make stuff, we’ll get messy (hopefully not too messy), we jump up and down to music and we’ll watch a drama (or sometimes you might be part of the drama!!).

Sometimes our Messy Church days will need to change (i.e. the start of January) as staff and volunteers are sometimes away. We will let you know via email or via our Messy Church facebook page:

If you would like to come along with your family, feel free to pop into one of our services during term time or you can email/call Stefan Bracher, our Children, Youth and Family Worker for more information:


Telephone: 07506143476