
Today, we live in a time of great change, much uncertainty and in a nation where many do not have a personal faith in God. As Christians, our response to challenge and difficulty, is to come to our Heavenly Father, Almighty God, in prayer, to hold fast to the promises in His word, to listen for His ‘still small voice’, to act when necessary and to allow Him to transform our lives to be more like Him.

There are opportunities to gather for prayer either as part of a regular service or in a home group. Also:

  • Prayer@7 on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 7.00pm to 8.00pm in St. Luke’s (see calendar
  • Saturday from 8.30am to 9.00am on Zoom (details above)
  • Together with other Churches in Seaford there are other occasional prayer meetings.
Prayer Diary

The Parish Prayer Diary is published as an insert in the Parish Magazine. Additional paper copies are available in both churches. This will allow us to respond together to current issues and includes up-to-date information and prayer requests from our Mission partners for each month as well as a daily prayer topic. Issues highlighted will be those affecting the parish, our community of Seaford, the wider Church, the Nation and global issues.

Join us each Saturday on Zoom for a time of prayer.

Parish Prayers on Zoom
Saturdays at 8.30am
Meeting: 731 3210 2295
Password: 1UWEx6