
We have a diverse range of services between out two churches. Whatever your preferred style of worship we hope that you will find something that suits you and will want to join us in our worship. If you are new to church life you may find this page useful.

Join us Online

You can watch our 9.30 Holy Communion service live from St. Leonard's each Sunday... or catch up later in the week.

Sunday Morning

Coming Up

Holy Communion

8.00am at St. Leonard’s: a said service (every Sunday)

Holy Communion

9.30am at St. Leonard’s: a sung service with choir and hymns (every Sunday)

9.30am at St. Luke’s: a sung service with hymns (1st and 3rd Sundays)

Family Worship

9.30am at St. Luke’s: a service for all with songs and activities (2nd and 4th Sundays)

The Meeting Place

11.15am at St. Leonard’s: a service with songs, a reading, a short talk and time to pray for one another (1st and 3rd Sundays) 

Sunday Evening

St. Luke's@7

7.00pm at St. Luke’s: a reflective service with contemporary songs (4th Sunday each month)


Prayer Ministry & Communion

11.00am at St. Luke’s: a quiet said service (2nd and 4th Tuesday each month)


11.00am at St. Leonard’s: a said service from the Book of Common Prayer (1st Wednesday each month)

Holy Communion

11.00am at St. Leonard’s: a said service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesdays each month)