Dearly Beloved
Happy New Year
It might be that you’re looking into this next year with some fear and trepidation. So remember the poem of Minnie Louise Haskins, may it become a prayer for you:
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”.
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way”.
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.
Psalm 139 tells us of the God for whom ‘even the darkness will not be dark to you’, no wonder the Darkness cannot overcome the light of Christ.
Stay Curious
This is the strapline to the Alpha Course that we’re starting on 16th January. If you’ve never done one but could come then do get in touch with Or perhaps you can look it up on YouTube and watch the episodes at home. For me the best bit, after the puddings, is the discussion with others, hearing their questions and observations provokes my own faith and help me to stay curious.
In one of the Narnia stories, Prince Caspian, the hero Lucy meets up with Aslan the Lion. She exclaims: ‘You’re bigger!’ To which Aslan replies: ‘Every year that you grow, you will find me bigger.’
So, here’s the challenge: What will you do to make sure you grow this year?
Some will start the year with a determination to read a chapter of New Testament a day and so complete it in a year. Others with a step of generosity in giving financially to support our work. Others will be moved to reach out pastorally and think ‘I wonder how N is’ and so give them a call, drop them a card, ‘I was thinking of you today.’
More than likely you will fail. No doubt you will start with good spiritual intentions and succeed in some part and not so in others. I’m reminded of someone who said (perhaps one of you will know the source of it and can help me here) who said something like: a Saint isn’t someone who never sins but someone who gets up more and more quickly after each sin. So we grow by being quicker to repent, and to draw back into God’s love.
There’s a predominantly European tradition of chalking your front door with the letters 20+C+M+B+25. Yes the chalk will wash away within a week or so, but you’ll know its there.
On the one hand you’ve got the letters C M B which obviously stand for the names of the three magi. We don’t have their names in the bible but tradition calls them Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar. But these initials can also stand for Christus Mansionem Benedicat – Christ House Bless – or a prayer – Christ bless this House.
Here’s a prayer adapted from the Celtic Daily Prayer; you might like to pray it over your home –
God who is Three, God who is one,
give blessing to the house that is here.
Bless it from roof to floor, from wall to wall, from end to end.
May your Spirit alone dwell within these walls
To bring joy and laughter to all who enter here.
We call upon the Sacred Three to save, to shield and surround this home.
The circle of God around it, the peace of Christ within it, the life of the Spirit above it, this day, this night, and every night.
May the triune God be the guardian of this place.
Peace be here in the name of the God of love,
Welcome be here in the name of the Christ of peace,
Joy be here in the name of the Spirit of life.
God who is One, God who is Three, Bring light for the day and rest for the night.
We call upon the Sacred Three, to welcome, guide and nurture all who enter here, the Circle of God around friend and stranger, the Peace of Christ within guest and host, the Life of the Spirit above all who stand at the door, this day, this night and evermore. Amen.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
With love and prayer
James and Lucy.