16th Feb sermon from 1 Cor 15.12-2- & Luke 6.17-26 This is a sermon about Hope. About getting hope, making sure you’re topped up with hope, being aware of when you’re struggling and could do with some more hope. Last week I bumped into someone in the street who doesn’t like our church, doesn’t like […]

Because you say so

a sermon for 9th Feb 2025 from 1 Corinthians 15.1–11  Luke 5.1–11 (photo is of Revs Carole Derreck and James)   2 points for you today. Jesus asks Simon to do something and he replies: Because you say so. I want you to take that as your take home point today. Its enough to try […]

Praise, Pray, Repeat

Sermon from 2nd Feb 2025, with help from Luke 2 and Heb 4.  Today’s sermon is Be like Simeon, be like Anna. Or Praise, Pray, Repeat. Praise, Pray, Repeat. What a fantastically encouraging couple of saints. So be like Anna, Be like Simeon. Praise Pray repeat. Praise Pray repeat.   In the Gospel reading we […]

Talking to Jesus about anything

a sermon for 19th Jan – (John 2.1-11) I once asked a Year 6 pupil, top end of primary school, if you could do any of the miracles of Jesus what would you want to do – walk on water? Heal the sick? And this child, quick as quick, piped up: I’d want to turn […]

Stay Curious

Happy New Year. And a Happy Christmas. Do keep greeting people with a Happy Christmas. You can certainly get away with it until 6th. Frankly I shall be pushing my luck until Candlemas.   4 points for you today. Stay Curious, Be Courageous, Encounter Christ, and Keep Connected   Firstly Be Curious. It is curiosity […]

Pain as God’s Megaphone

a sermon for 29th Dec 2024  I mentioned to some of my clergy colleagues that today I would be preaching on the subject of Holy Innocents, the massacre at Bethlehem. And they said ‘What sort of idiot are you?!’ Who actually wants to hear a sermon on a horrible painful subject like that, a few […]

A Christmas morning blessing

A 5 pointed sermon for you today! Afterall its Christmas! It’s a prayer, a blessing, for you to know – the Eagerness of the Shepherds, the Joy of the Angels, the Perseverance of the Wise, the Obedience of Joseph and Mary, and the Peace of Jesus Christ. That’s my prayer, that’s the 5 points.   […]

The Creed tells us we have a vocation

Gaudete Gaudete Christos est natus ex maria virginae Gaudete! – Rejoice Rejoice, Christ was born of the virgin Mary, rejoice. Welcome to Rejoice Sunday. It why we lit the pink candle, its why I’m wearing Rev Janice Bartholomew’s rose coloured stole – today is Rejoice Sunday.   The idea being that in the middle of […]

We believe

Happy New Year! The Church of England, well really all churches, start their liturgical years on Advent. So Happy New Year. Last year had some scary bits in it. Quite likely this next year will too. But remember Stefan’s sermon from last week and hold on to Jesus and to each other and you will […]

A Remembrance Sermon

Preached at St. Leonard’s at 9.30am on Sunday 10th November 2024 “It was Sam [Gamgee]’s first view of a battle of Men against Men. And he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead [man’s] face. He wondered what the man’s name was and where he came from; […]